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Up and Coming

Sisters Preparing for a Returning King

January 21

morning morning event

January 21 

Evening event

Hope for Incarcerated FamiliesJamilies


March 2014

Topic: Repurposed

"I wanted to thank you for sharing  God's repurposing of your life. I loved your illustrations but most of all your honesty.

There were 10 women from Hope Now, a correctional transition center who were glued to every word you said. They had so much application and desire God's recycling programfor their hearts too! "

Katie Goodell- Leader of Hope for Incarcerated Families. 

Speaking Topics/1 day Repurposed Conference  ï»¿

-The Image of Love- Marriage testimony and remarriage story 

-A Mary Little Christmas- The heart of Mary at Christmas for a mother 

-Developing your own Personal Ministry- How to have a quiet time and three ways to become a world changer

-Tea Time and Me Time- What's your tea pot personality? - How to pour out for others while letting God fill you up 

-Dynamite Motherhood- The filling of the Holy Spirit in motherhood

-Becoming the Cheerleader of your Home- Be the Wife and mother who is the greatest fan of her family. 

-Living the Great Commission of Motherhood- Missional living here and there with global impact for the least of these- How family missions can change your life and perspective 



​Brand New Topic! 

Repurposed! - embracing God' purpose for your life and not your plans!

A exciting personal story of how our family became repurposed during loss and tragedy inspiring others to become repurposed too- Get ready for your group to become Repurposed according to God's purpose for their life!

Recycle pain- Reclaim Joy- Reuse Love 

Repurposed One Day of Ministry Event 

An exciting one day event to equip, encourage and inspire large groups of women to discover how to be "repurposed" according to God's purpose. Women will understand how to recycle their pain, reclaim their joy and reuse their love in their own life. Additional Speakers will help women learn the vital concepts of how to take transform their lives to become world-changing women on fire! 



© 2012 by Tracey Russell 
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